The use of questions

The use of questions: learn how to make questions and how to answer exactly without making mistakes.
The use of questions
Travel agent: Can I help you?
Customer: Do you sell rail tickets?
Travel agent: Yes, certainly.
Customer: I need a return ticket from Bristol to Paddington.
Travel agent: When are you travelling?
Customer: Tomorrow, Thursday. Coming back the same day.
Travel agent: Arc you leaving before ten o'clock?
Customer: It's cheaper after ten, is it?
Travel agent: It's cheaper if you leave after ten and return after six.
Customer: What time is the next train ar ten o'clock.
Travel agent: Ten eleven.
Customer: Oh, ne. And how much is the cheap ticket?
Travel agent: Thirty-two pounds.
Customer Can I have one then, please?

The most basic use of a question is to ask for information.
What time is the next train? == >Ten eleven.
But we can use questions in other ways, especially with modal verbs. e.g. can.
The use of questions

There are also ‘rhetorical questions’, where an answer is not usually expected.
What do you think will happen? == > who knows?
You're always criticizing me. But have I ever criticized you?

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