Build your vocabulary - Antonyms Vocabulary Word List

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Antonyms are also known as opposites. One way of mastering a
 language involves learning its vocabulary. Antonyms are helpful in this sense.
Here is a list of some antonyms vocabulary words 

Arrive - depart

Freeze - thaw

Comfort - disturb

Punish - reward

Polite - rude

Entrance - exit

Vacant - occupied

Valuable - worthless

Guilty - innocent

Comedy - tragedy

Doctor – patient

Bridge - tunnel

Boss - employee

Best - worst

Break - repair

Sweet - sour

Always - never

Niece - nephew

Increase - decrease

Create - destroy

Fancy – plain

Smile - frown

Most - least

Wise – foolish

Many - few

Trust - doubt

Easy - difficult

Fresh - stale

Fat - skinny

Similar - different

Unusual - ordinary

City - country

Graceful - awkward

All - none

Silly - serious

Raw – cooked

Insult - praise

Villain - hero

Friend - enemy

Public - private

Give - receive

Fact - fiction

Interested - bored

Famous - unknown

Teacher - student

Absent - present

Dim - bright

Majority – minority

Include – exclude

Notice - ignore.

Sad - cheerful

Part - whole

Straight - crooked

Husband - wife

Allow - refuse

Kind - cruel

Bold – timid

Safe - dangerous

Past – future

Strange - familiar

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